Moringa is used to treat epilepsy, ulcers in the stomach and intestines, headaches and heart problems, states WebMD. It is also used for high blood pressure, kidney stones and bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal infections. Moringa can reduce fluid retention, treat thyroid disorders, reduce swelling and increase breast milk production. Some people take moringa to boost the immune system. Moringa contains minerals, vitamins and proteins, and it can be used as an antioxidant to prevent harm to cells.
Moringa is sometimes used as an astringent to dry the skin. People may apply it directly to the skin to treat abscesses, warts, wounds and snake bites, notes WebMD. It may also help to treat athlete’s foot, dandruff and gingivitis. Moringa seeds are sometimes used to make oil, which is used in hair products, foods and perfume. After extracting the oil, the seed cake can be used to purify water and as a fertilizer. Moringa is grown cheaply and easily, and it remains nutritious when dried. For this reason, it is commonly eaten in Africa and India.
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