Thursday, July 23, 2015

When love turns hate

Don't be blind by love when it turns hate
There's a gentleman in Port Harcourt (names withheld) who lives in mortal trepidation of his wife.

He is a calm, smallish and thin fellow.

His LOUD and awful tempered wife then again, is an uncommonly solid lady with the physical make-up of a prepared sumo wrestler (on steroids).

This man doesn't set out bring his voice up in his own home inspired by a paranoid fear of a "brushing".

The one time he debilitated to separate her, his ABLE BODIED WIFE dragged him into the room (kicking and shouting) and controlled a WWF style beating that left him in tears arguing,

"Na joke I canister dey joke gracious! "

In light of a legitimate concern for self protection, the young fellow has from that point forward surrendered from his occupation and is right now hanging out in an undisclosed area around the local area, covertly making courses of action to leave the nation.

Genuine story!

A neighbor of mine has a conning spouse (whom has laid down with their last two house aides) and all she says is, "the length of he uses a condom he is still my spouse!" True story!

As of late an associate of mine (subsequent to being hospitalized from a beating from her beau) let me know that, "Great men are rare, let me deal with the one I have than start from the very beginning with someone else." She said as she breast fed a wounded and swollen eye. "No one is immaculate" she included with a jump. Genuine story!

There's an exceptionally prominent (and as I would see it) inept saying that goes;

"The demon you know is superior to the heavenly attendant you don't have the foggiest idea"

So on the off chance that I comprehend this effectively would we say we are stating that it is ideal to deal with an awful thing (the fallen angel) than to go out and look for something to be thankful for (the heavenly attendant) in light of the fact that blessed messengers are rare??

If I'm not mistaken there's no place in the Bible where the fiend is superior to an Angel. That's all anyone needs to know.

A terrible relationship is an awful relationship.

It's similar to watching a terrible film at the silver screen. You purchase the ticket, get your popcorn and drink and sink into the lobby. The film begins and 10 minutes into it, you understand you're observing a crappy motion picture as well as the TITANIC of crappy motion pictures.

This is what's entertaining, the vast majority stay all through to the end either out of fatigue or in light of the fact that, "… . I paid 1500 for this film… .biko my cash no go waste!"

A comparative rule is connected in a few connections

Quite a few people just "zombielikely" stay to the end and trust in the best notwithstanding when they know it's not what they need. That is similar to being anally assaulted by a gorilla and seeking after a climax.

That is franticness. I know in some cases connections improve yet that just originates from some exertion from BOTH PARTIES.

Look I for one concur that connections can be chipped away at yet like I said it takes TWO.

The main spot you can chip away at a relationship without anyone else and get all adoration warmth, kissing, snuggling, comprehension and faithfulness you merit is in a cushioned cell of a refuge.


Affection is a decision, connections are a decision, and marriage is a decision.

I abhor prosaisms' yet kindly, DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS!!!

On the off chance that he beats you, he can execute you.

I read some place today that a man beat his wife to death as of late.

Individuals are frightened of a great deal of things, being distant from everyone else, beginning once again, never discovering affection, ebola… .

Trepidation is no reason to stay miserable. Trust me!

Life is a decision my friend.

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