Friday, December 4, 2015

4 tips to make your voice singable

1. The "Moment Vocal Fix"

This is a brisk trap that improves you sound right away so I called it the "Moment Fix". Say An E-I-O-U (watch your jaw development in the mirror). Did your jaw close on any of the vowels? Odds are your jaw shut on the E and the U – and in all probability on others as well, if not every one of them. Take your initial two fingers and force your jaw down 2 creeps (or far and away superior – utilize a bottle top(cap) or a cork(wine) to prop your jaw open).
What's more, talk the vowels once more. What's more, rehash once more (we're attempting to re-system muscle memory – so the as much as possible). Presently sing the vowels on one pitch. An E-I-O-U. You will probably keep your jaw open (long not wide) without shutting for the majority of your vowels. Rehash until you can do it. Presently sing an expression of one of your melodies – and ensure your jaw opens to the same position on the greater part of your vowels. You need to rehearse this a group before it gets to be common – yet the more you do, the sooner this new development is customized into your muscle memory. What's more, you may be one of those fortunate ones who see the change in the sound immediately (it will sound louder and more thunderous with less vocal strain). In the event that you don't – don't sweat it – you will. It just takes a little practice. (You may have some undesirable pressure in your neck, jaw and throat muscles – take a stab at slackening them up and attempt it once more.) whenever you perform open your jaw more on your vowels — it's a snappy trap that improves you

2.The warm ups(yawning and a gentle cough)

Well do not underestimate the power of yawning it goes a long way in preparing your voice and your diaphragm to work together, all you have to do is make it natural,relax your neck,tell your body you went to yawn then use your hand to support your neck behind,then yawn. Remember make it natural and do it ,if not every day till you get better in using your diaphragm. Now a gentle cough cough can follow,pls don't force it just gentle like petting a baby to sleep.

3. Breathing exercise (training the diaphragm).

Yes you find it hard to sing with your diaphragm because normally you don't take a deep breathe every time, everybody does the semi breathing,and that's why when your are sing you get to a note and then your throat tighten up and then you make that screeching sound Lol.

All you have to do to train your diaphragm is simple
First: every chance you get stand tall  take a deep breathe and while doing these make sure you stomach comes out and your lower back just below your ribs ,you can place your hands behind and  in front to know if you get the movement correctly. Note:do not lift your shoulders while breathing in relax them and relax your neck

4. Hissing exercise (training the diaphragm)

This time hold your stomach with your two hands
Position of your hands:below your rib cage,your four fingers hold your stomach and your thumbs your back  take a deep breathe (remember your stomach move forward,try to hold it not to, but don't hold too hard ) then hiss out air,make sure its hiss sound with air, then start a timer of 30 seconds  then later you move on to 40secs  do these almost every day till you get your diaphragm working with your vocals naturally.

Also try mouth lipping and humming your favourite song.

Have you tried any vocal warm up that worked for you  share it let's review it together.

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