Do you know that carrot can cure pinpples
faster than any facial treatments? Check out
this, get four sticks of Carrot then grind it to
liquid form, get tomatoes one ball, smarch it
and add it to the carrot, get a spoonful aloe
jelly mix it together, leave it for two hours to
fament, :;usage, rinse your face with clean
water, use clean towel to dry your face, then
take the pomade and rob it on your face with ur
hand, it is wise to do that in the Evening when
you are back from work, you have to leave the
pomade on your face for at least Thirty minutes
and maximally Eight hours,: your skin is your
beauty ,but your prettiness lies in your radiant
body, you may care much for your skin and
careless for ur body ,in that case ,the result of
a body not cared for is a face that is not
radiant,even if you will apply the facial solution
you must also watch what you eat regularly,
you should avoid foods of total fry,you should
reduced your groundnut oil intake, you must get
foods with iron, like banana and plantain, never
eat rice without friuit, fast foods purely made of
flour should be greatly reduced if not
avoided,let fish be more in your food ,red meat
should be minimal in consumption, eat more
leaves and local spices, walnut, Epa Oyinbo,
Other fat free food,you can apply any of your
make up after using this pomade,after seven
days, You will see a good result,but if you
notice side reaction stop the usage immediately
and rub your face with Palm Oil for 30 minutes,
at the end of the seven days u will rub for
seven hours pure honey on your face,then you
have completed first stage of curbing pimples,
if you need more explanation send your
message via this medium.
Source :Mobayo.Blogspot.Com
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