NO SECURITY NO NATIONI think the government should focus on the security issues-Boko haram and other Insecurity problems besetting my dear country Nigeria. It is clear that nonation, state or any community can make any progress in any sector when there is total insecurity in such Country. Security is the single life of any Country, and it is the key to any success. Therefore, no security no nation. My dear Nigerians are we not tired with the killings yet? Then we must stop playing politics and religious harassment with the issues of boko haram. Let me prove to you that boko haram are just group of terrorists with common interest that heterogeneouslycome together with the aim of destroying the nation and the whole West African countries at large.
They are group of terrorists not only from Nigeria but also from many other countries of eAfrica. They are groupof terrorists consisting both bad Muslims and Christians who doesn’t truly believe in the Holy Books of Allah. Terrorism has no place in the Holy books of Allah, neither in the Qur’an nor in the Holy Bible. It is just that we don’t practice religion in accordance nowadays. Therefore, if immediate care is not taken, the problem will go beyond humanimagination and escalate to different part of Africa. I therefore call on the African leaders to join their hands and work together to eradicate any insurgency from the continent. You should forget about all the careless responds by the previous government of Jonathan towards the eradication of this insurgency. Stop accusing each other. The whole world is aware of how carelessly they handled the issue. This what gave boko haram the opportunity to take over different parts of the country, just from one state up to where they are today. Therefore the stupidities of the previous government are there for everyone to see. So I thinkit is not meaningful for the current government of Buhari to keep on shouting on something that is obvious. They should stop circulating bad news. Because it will not help in anyway. Therefore, this is the only time to defeat boko haram before it is too late. Let do it today before tomorrow. It is today or never! We have a new president who is ever ready to collaborate with the neighbouring countries to ensure that boko haram are exterminated within theshortest possible time. I therefore call on all the great African leaders to cooperate with one another and strongly move together against boko haram for the survival of our dear and only continent. You must come together today before tomorrow and move strongly against these terrorists. Let kill terrorism before terrorism kill us. Wise people says ‘’ "A stitch in time saves nine." Therefore, the earlier the better.While we Nigerians, we have to pause and think about our future. Is there a brighter future for our dear country in view of the foregoing? How can we participate towards the development of our country?Are we ready to make sacrifices for a better tomorrow? We don’t ask ourselves this kind of questions. Our dream is not more than how to get into the system of stealing public funds and many other acts of corruption. As we are busy exchangingnegative words, Muslims are blaming Christians for boko haram and vice versa, at the same time the group of cowards people so called boko haram are busy killing us and destroying our places of worship (both the mosques and the churches), while the government is busy stealing the national resources.But I want to recall our attention to the saying ‘’Fortune comes to those who make an effort to accomplish things’’. Therefore there is something compulsory on every Nigerian be it poor or rich. We must offer our maximum participation towards the eradication of this Boko haram. Almighty God is aware of what we can do to this problem. Please let us not leave everything in the hand of the government. No government can do it alone withoutyou and I. Therefore, we don't have any excuse. We must all do something about it. The simplest thing that we can all do is prayer. Remind you ''prayer is the most powerful weapon''. Nothing is beyond God’s capability. We MUST pray for our Country Nigeria. Therefore let pray all together. Failure to eradicate this dangerous people (Boko Haram) will definitely lead to the collapse of the Country. God forbid............... Remember if the Country continues to Survive, we will continue to survive too and vice versa. So even if you don’t want to do something for the sake of the country, I think you need to do it for your own sake.People are dying for no reason. Most of the victims of this deadly boko haram are the poor people who cannot even afford three square meal per day, who cannot sponsor their children to school as Education is the morphology of the rich nowadays. They are the ones living in dirty environment, drinking polluted water, going naked and eating poisonous food due to failure of our Government to provide us with all the necessary social amenities. But they are the ones dying in the hand of Boko Haram. They are always the victims. While on the hand, the rich people, the political leaders and the traditional leaders has channelled the public funds that are meant for maintaining this security and other infrastructure into their personal accounts. It is very convenient for most of them this insurgency to continue forever, as it create a secure environment for them to divert public funds easily inthe name of security maintenance. This is injustice. They destroyed every sector of the country be it Educational, Security or any other sector. Beside these, they are the ones sponsoring their children to study abroad. To them belongs all the federation account. They spends it the way they like, based on their personal interests. Just total monthly salary of a Nigerian Senator is ($181,974.00). Therefore, total yearly salary of a Nigerian Senator is ($2,183,685.00). While on the other hand, the average salary of a common Nigerian worker basedon the National minimum wage is ($111.11), so the yearly salary is ($1,333). If you compared the yearlysalary of Nigerian senator to that of common Nigerian worker salary, the proportion will give you 1638:1. Therefore on this confirmation it will take anaverage Nigerian worker 1638 years to earn the yearly salary of a Nigerian Senator. Everyone can see the gap between the rich and the poor in Nigeriais too much due to corruption.Then, give me a single reason why these people willnot join terrorism and other illegal acts? You have tobelieve with me that Nigerian government is responsible for forcing its citizens into terrorism due to its failure to provide security, employment, education and so forth. They are the ones distributing money (for illegal drugs not for food), guns and other dangerous weapons to unemployed youth in order to get or to maintain political power during election. This is how our youth get access to all these kinds of dangerous weapons, and they will be using it against innocents Nigerians after the election. This is one of the simple reason behind insecurity in Nigeria. So I’m I wrong if I mention here that the government is intentionally creating artificial unemployment for its own personal interest especially during election? Therefore, enough is enough. The pressure is too much. And the government have to be aware that all these reactions are reversible. So even if they don’t fear God, they have to fear the day Nigerians will react back. I am afraid of public reaction (the day Nigerians will start to take actions in their hands). That day, there will be no government. God forbid. Everyone – people and animals - has their limits. Anyone will revolt if pushed too far. Even the “lowest” of animals will fight and hit back at some stage if provoked too often. Even a worm, the simplest of creatures, will defend itself. People says"Even a worm will turn." So be warned!I feel very sad to mention here that Nigeria is the most populated and richest Black Country in the whole world, they even called us the giant of Africa, but at the same time we have the most careless government in the world. The government that doesn’t care for its citizen, government without direction, government with parrot tongue to trick its people but no hands to put things on ground, the first and the only government in the world to legalised stealing (according to the former president Jonathan, stealing is not a corruption). Therefore, the stupidity of our government is there for everyone to see in the world.But we have to remember that to Allah belongs all the Worlds and what they contains. To Him is our final destination. The day of accountability will definitely come. I have no doubt we must all account to Allah for our actions. Our actions will be held accountable on the day of resurrection. If they are in order, then we will have prospered and succeeded; and if they are wanting, then we will have failed and lost. And none of us can escape His punishment except those who lead a righteous life. He is aware of everything here on earth and there inheaven. He has the full knowledge of everything. Hewill present to us all what we have done here on earth, and none of us can deny it. May Almighty Godhelp us to end this boko haram and other insurgency in Nigeria, Africa and anywhere insurgency is taking place in the world. Ameen.May God bless the federal republic of Nigeria,May God bless Africa,May God bless the whole world, Ameen.
They are group of terrorists not only from Nigeria but also from many other countries of eAfrica. They are groupof terrorists consisting both bad Muslims and Christians who doesn’t truly believe in the Holy Books of Allah. Terrorism has no place in the Holy books of Allah, neither in the Qur’an nor in the Holy Bible. It is just that we don’t practice religion in accordance nowadays. Therefore, if immediate care is not taken, the problem will go beyond humanimagination and escalate to different part of Africa. I therefore call on the African leaders to join their hands and work together to eradicate any insurgency from the continent. You should forget about all the careless responds by the previous government of Jonathan towards the eradication of this insurgency. Stop accusing each other. The whole world is aware of how carelessly they handled the issue. This what gave boko haram the opportunity to take over different parts of the country, just from one state up to where they are today. Therefore the stupidities of the previous government are there for everyone to see. So I thinkit is not meaningful for the current government of Buhari to keep on shouting on something that is obvious. They should stop circulating bad news. Because it will not help in anyway. Therefore, this is the only time to defeat boko haram before it is too late. Let do it today before tomorrow. It is today or never! We have a new president who is ever ready to collaborate with the neighbouring countries to ensure that boko haram are exterminated within theshortest possible time. I therefore call on all the great African leaders to cooperate with one another and strongly move together against boko haram for the survival of our dear and only continent. You must come together today before tomorrow and move strongly against these terrorists. Let kill terrorism before terrorism kill us. Wise people says ‘’ "A stitch in time saves nine." Therefore, the earlier the better.While we Nigerians, we have to pause and think about our future. Is there a brighter future for our dear country in view of the foregoing? How can we participate towards the development of our country?Are we ready to make sacrifices for a better tomorrow? We don’t ask ourselves this kind of questions. Our dream is not more than how to get into the system of stealing public funds and many other acts of corruption. As we are busy exchangingnegative words, Muslims are blaming Christians for boko haram and vice versa, at the same time the group of cowards people so called boko haram are busy killing us and destroying our places of worship (both the mosques and the churches), while the government is busy stealing the national resources.But I want to recall our attention to the saying ‘’Fortune comes to those who make an effort to accomplish things’’. Therefore there is something compulsory on every Nigerian be it poor or rich. We must offer our maximum participation towards the eradication of this Boko haram. Almighty God is aware of what we can do to this problem. Please let us not leave everything in the hand of the government. No government can do it alone withoutyou and I. Therefore, we don't have any excuse. We must all do something about it. The simplest thing that we can all do is prayer. Remind you ''prayer is the most powerful weapon''. Nothing is beyond God’s capability. We MUST pray for our Country Nigeria. Therefore let pray all together. Failure to eradicate this dangerous people (Boko Haram) will definitely lead to the collapse of the Country. God forbid............... Remember if the Country continues to Survive, we will continue to survive too and vice versa. So even if you don’t want to do something for the sake of the country, I think you need to do it for your own sake.People are dying for no reason. Most of the victims of this deadly boko haram are the poor people who cannot even afford three square meal per day, who cannot sponsor their children to school as Education is the morphology of the rich nowadays. They are the ones living in dirty environment, drinking polluted water, going naked and eating poisonous food due to failure of our Government to provide us with all the necessary social amenities. But they are the ones dying in the hand of Boko Haram. They are always the victims. While on the hand, the rich people, the political leaders and the traditional leaders has channelled the public funds that are meant for maintaining this security and other infrastructure into their personal accounts. It is very convenient for most of them this insurgency to continue forever, as it create a secure environment for them to divert public funds easily inthe name of security maintenance. This is injustice. They destroyed every sector of the country be it Educational, Security or any other sector. Beside these, they are the ones sponsoring their children to study abroad. To them belongs all the federation account. They spends it the way they like, based on their personal interests. Just total monthly salary of a Nigerian Senator is ($181,974.00). Therefore, total yearly salary of a Nigerian Senator is ($2,183,685.00). While on the other hand, the average salary of a common Nigerian worker basedon the National minimum wage is ($111.11), so the yearly salary is ($1,333). If you compared the yearlysalary of Nigerian senator to that of common Nigerian worker salary, the proportion will give you 1638:1. Therefore on this confirmation it will take anaverage Nigerian worker 1638 years to earn the yearly salary of a Nigerian Senator. Everyone can see the gap between the rich and the poor in Nigeriais too much due to corruption.Then, give me a single reason why these people willnot join terrorism and other illegal acts? You have tobelieve with me that Nigerian government is responsible for forcing its citizens into terrorism due to its failure to provide security, employment, education and so forth. They are the ones distributing money (for illegal drugs not for food), guns and other dangerous weapons to unemployed youth in order to get or to maintain political power during election. This is how our youth get access to all these kinds of dangerous weapons, and they will be using it against innocents Nigerians after the election. This is one of the simple reason behind insecurity in Nigeria. So I’m I wrong if I mention here that the government is intentionally creating artificial unemployment for its own personal interest especially during election? Therefore, enough is enough. The pressure is too much. And the government have to be aware that all these reactions are reversible. So even if they don’t fear God, they have to fear the day Nigerians will react back. I am afraid of public reaction (the day Nigerians will start to take actions in their hands). That day, there will be no government. God forbid. Everyone – people and animals - has their limits. Anyone will revolt if pushed too far. Even the “lowest” of animals will fight and hit back at some stage if provoked too often. Even a worm, the simplest of creatures, will defend itself. People says"Even a worm will turn." So be warned!I feel very sad to mention here that Nigeria is the most populated and richest Black Country in the whole world, they even called us the giant of Africa, but at the same time we have the most careless government in the world. The government that doesn’t care for its citizen, government without direction, government with parrot tongue to trick its people but no hands to put things on ground, the first and the only government in the world to legalised stealing (according to the former president Jonathan, stealing is not a corruption). Therefore, the stupidity of our government is there for everyone to see in the world.But we have to remember that to Allah belongs all the Worlds and what they contains. To Him is our final destination. The day of accountability will definitely come. I have no doubt we must all account to Allah for our actions. Our actions will be held accountable on the day of resurrection. If they are in order, then we will have prospered and succeeded; and if they are wanting, then we will have failed and lost. And none of us can escape His punishment except those who lead a righteous life. He is aware of everything here on earth and there inheaven. He has the full knowledge of everything. Hewill present to us all what we have done here on earth, and none of us can deny it. May Almighty Godhelp us to end this boko haram and other insurgency in Nigeria, Africa and anywhere insurgency is taking place in the world. Ameen.May God bless the federal republic of Nigeria,May God bless Africa,May God bless the whole world, Ameen.
I JUST see this now. Thank you