Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Determine your marriage value(sure tips)

“From i love you to i do”, that’s a big step any man life  to take or a womans. The reverse might the case “from i love you to i disgust you”.
The worst path of a  relationship is after getting marriage you  found out your partner only likes you not loves you,so as a single person you need to know how to differenciate between love and like,you don’t put two legs at once.thats why you have have 9aijareview to feed you tips on healthy lets start with.
1. The first thing to do is to set standards for yourself,and when you set a standard  you keep working towards the standard .
2. You set a vision for yourself
   S-something of
   I-inestimable value and
9aijareview quote to note: a life that is visionless is fruitfulness
3. Look for friends not lovers
4. Do not follow the crowd, i mean the majority.
5. Avoid the company of bad friends.
6. Break away any relationship that demands sex.
7. lay the foundation of your marriage now by praying.
8. Make it your ringing tone that is if you love me, you wait for me.
I took my time to gather this help tips but I realise that one’s determination can be hindered. that’s why we need to considered those things too.
Loneliness- feeling lonely trust me can go a long way to hindered you. Anyone feeling lonely will accept any friendship whether a good one or a bad one. Make friends with people you think you can trust, am directing this to the ladies or better still make your mum your friend , it works for a few it might work for you.
1.Lack of self control- inability to control one’s self, this quality led many young ones into prostitution and sometimes unwanted pregnancy then early marriage. Trust me it’s not only about the pleasure cause that’s what your body tells you all you need to do is look for your weakness weigh the cons and pros before do anything. And mind you do not create an opportunity for your weakness because once you do it’s hard to fight.

2.Peer-pressure-your peers have a great influence on you, often many young ones ask how to deal with peer-pressure, i find help reading this book “YOUNG PEOPLE ASK” it seems to have all the question young ones ask and their answers.
3.Pornography and sexting-the mind is strongly affected by what we read and what we see, when you watch or text pictures and words that stimulate your sexual desires trust me your mind will keep bordering you to do it and ones you do it, your body tells you should continue having this pleasure. it hard to break trust me.
4.Impatient- do not be in an hurry because the cons could last forever.
9aijareview quote to note: “determination is the root of success”
Conclusion: Be determined to the end, that’s the source key to success in any aspect of life.
“What  you should know about courtship will be my next article on relationships”

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